Cryogenic Top Entry Ball Valves
RANGER’s Top Entry Ball Valves for cryogenic service are engineered, high-performance valves, that leverage CNC machining equipment, as well as other specialty equipment, and dust-free assembly areas to ensure a consistent and high-quality product.
Key Application(s)
- Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- Liquefied oxygen
- Liquefied hydrogen
- Ethylene plants
- Air separation industries
Design Features
- Sizes from NPS 1/2 to NPS 24
- Class range from 150 to 2500
- Working temperature: -196℃ to 121℃
- One-piece construction to reduce leakage points
- Fire-safe, antistatic design
- Drop plate design
- Extended bonnet design with stable sealing
- RANGER’s cryogenic ball valves bonnet extensions (often specified by the customers for the specific service conditions), provide a sufficient gas column to ensure the seal packing is only exposed to vapor and not to the cold liquid.
Design Standards
- API 6D
- ISO 17292
- API 608
- BS 5351
- BS 6364
- ASME B16.10
Test Standards
- API 598
- BS6364
- SPE 77/200